Friday, August 11, 2017

Educational Names for Groups.

How do you name your groups in your classroom? You know, when you want to dismiss a group to head back to their desks or line up by the door. Do you use colors? I know a lot of teachers who do. There's nothing wrong with using colors. It's easy and you don't have to put a lot of thought into it. But, unless you teach kindergarten, your students know their colors. What if there was an even better way to name your groups?

What if you could help solidify some content knowledge while naming your groups? It's simple and powerful, and once you do it you'll wonder why you ever used colors. In third grade, we learn about polygons in geometry. I decided to name my groups using polygons. Let me tell you - my kids know their polygons. Not only are they hanging from the ceiling all year long, but we refer to them every day! I am always dismissing my groups by their polygon names, and since the kids move around throughout the year, chances are they will be in each group at least once. I do think that eventually the kids get used to where the groups are around the room and start to just listen for their group name to be called. That's when you throw them a curve ball, "The 5-sided figure group may line up." Whoa!

If you want my polygon group signs you can find them here. They're free and they come with labels to easily label caddies, supplies, or anything else!

And here's the thing. It can be anything you cover in your grade level! Do you study regions of the U.S.? What a great way to name your groups! Are biomes taught at your level of science? Group names! Get creative and think about what content you could use.

It doesn't even have to stop at naming your table groups. In geography we learn about the cardinal directions, and since I have 4 guided math groups they are... (drum roll please)... North, South, East and West.

Guided reading groups? Name them with your favorite author's last names! This year mine will be:
The Blume Group
The Lewis Group
The Dahl Group
The Cleary Group
The Silverstein Group

The possibilities are endless! Spice up your group names this year. Your kids will love it and you will notice how much better they internalize whatever content knowledge you use.

Have you been creative with your group names? Let me know in the comments?

Thanks for stopping by!

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