Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Back To School Checklists

You know that feeling you get when there are just so many things to do, but you haven't made a list so you're not exactly sure the extent of the pain. You just know it's A LOT!

That's what I've been feeling like lately when it comes to back to school. Seriously, you should see my notebook. They're mostly little things... organize my math centers, print and attach labels, update my class brochure for back to school night. But little things add up in my mind until they are just whizzing around, bouncing from right ear to left (nice imaging - eh?) and doing who knows what kind of damage to my mental heath. I just had to better organize these thoughts. Lucky for you, I'm not just uploading my notebook doodles. And even luckier for you... it's free! Here's:

Now, get your organizing on! Enjoy!


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